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Why use DC motor or battery operated motor on a gate opener?

How many times can I open my D5-Evo / D5 / D3 operated gate with mains power failure?

What is the biggest gate that can be operated with the D5-Evo / D5 / D3 / A5?

Why does the A5/D5 sometimes seem to lose its endpoint setting? (Refers only to version 1 type D5 or A5 motors)

When setting my gate limits, ‘open’ and ‘close’ work fine, but I can’t set my pedestrian opening point? (This applies only to the older version 1 D5 and A5 motors)

I have set my gate limits successfully, but when I run the gate it slams into the end stops. (This applies only to the older version 1 D5 and A5 motors)

My A5 motor stops intermittently for no apparent reason. Sometimes it stops during opening and sometimes during closing.

When the gate closes it seems to hit an obstruction and then re-open. This sometimes happens 3 times in a row.

What is PCM

What is PIRAC mode?

What is CONDOMINIUM mode?

Can a battery larger than 7A/H be used on Centurion battery operated gate systems?

When I go into set-up mode, L1 starts flashing once, then twice, then three times etc.

My gate opens, but then won’t close.

My gate won’t operate.

How do I secure the mounting bracket for steel rack installations?

What gap is necessary between the origin marker face, and the cover of the unit?

How can I tell if the origin subsystem is working properly?

Origin system troubleshooting

Problem #1 – Unit fails to complete set-up cycle.Check that the origin subsystem is working (refer Q3 set-up mode).

Problem #2 – Unit rams an end stop.